Arrival: Time to Bask in the Sun!
Okay, I lied a little bit… We technically arrived a few days ago.
In fact, by now we are closer to the end of our trip than the start of it!
I know, I know, this is supposed to be a Christmas Advent where I blog each day about things Kevin and I do each day. I’m just considering the weight of a healthy dash of ~ movie magic ~ to explain some of the timelines. Like I said when I announced this series, we had to get a little head-start in order to keep up with the rigorous schedule.
So in truth, Kevin and I have been basking in paradise for several days, recovering our bodies from all the stresses and exhaustions we have filled our lives up with for the last several months. We aren’t very good at finding stillness in our days, so it isn’t until we run away like this where we can just enjoy our company with no strings attached. And it is delightful. We sleep in later, we stay up later, we eat whatever we want whenever we want, and we don’t wash, clean, or arrange a single thing. If that isn’t paradise, I don’t know what is!
And in that place of being honest, in all my efforts to being prepared with organizing this month of blogs, I didn’t actually bring my laptop on our adventure!
So just picture this for me, will you:
I’m sitting in our beautiful room overlooking a tropical paradise of greenery.
I have my phone in my hand, speaking as clearly and quietly I can manage.
I am trying to do a speak-to-text on my notes app to send to my editor, hoping she can decipher what I’m trying to articulate with no help of punctuation points.
Editors note: some creative liberties were taken in this process.
So for my keen readers who are following on each day (you are my favourites btw), I apologize for the less-thorough blog post today. I think I’ll be doing a review of my stay back when we return to our regularly scheduled programming. But as of this moment, I have my loving husband with a cup off coffee in his hand as his subtle way to focus on the present. Because THAT is what this is all about. Capturing quality time with loved ones and holding onto it dearly.