So, who is Cindi? And more importantly, WHO IS KEVIN??
Well, I am Cindi - Cindi Seddon, born September 30th 1959. I grew up in Vancouver BC, where, as a kid, I played outside until the streetlights came on in the summer, engaged in nightly games of Gang Tag with ALL the neighborhood kids, running through neighbors back and front yards trying NOT to be the first one caught, where I had my first cigarette, stayed out dancing until 2:00 am and then went to work in the morning, had my first drink and lost my virginity BEFORE I was married, an unfathomable and surely a black mark on my character, according to my mother!
Sooo… When I (finally) grew up a bit, I went back to university, completed my undergrad in teaching, and earned a Masters Degree from Simon Fraser University that specialized in understanding human relations and how our early experiences impact our lives. That was followed by 34 years working in Education, helping children and youth from all ages find success navigating their world. I co-wrote and developed an Anti-Bullying program that quickly gained notable international attention and was highly regarded.
My greatest achievements, however, include somehow landing the best husband that there has ever been, Kevin, and then co-creating two beautiful daughters with him! Jalayna, our first born, is a mechanical engineer with a focus in fluids which means she is completely committed to reducing the green footprint of large ships in the world. What a testimonial to making the world a better place! She clearly takes after her dad in brilliance! My youngest, Kaeli, is an accomplished musician and has recently completed her Bachelor of Arts degree as a Psychology major. As well, she is a whiz in all things social media and has been the “wind beneath my waves” or the “brains behind the brawn” on this project (thank God!). These two beautiful, brilliant, strong and capable young women are sincerely my greatest accomplishments!
So what’s happening now? If you know me, I’m always brewing up a new and exciting idea. Now here we are, with my newest project: My book - “Six Minute Sex - Maintaining Passion and Nurturing Intimacy in Long Term Relationships”, published November 13 2022, and now its complimentary website “”, launched February 14, 2023. Both take a whimsical look at how we can hang onto each other, in intimate and romantic ways, as we age in our relationships. This exciting launch features our weekly podcast, “The SIZZLE not Fizzle Podcast” which I co-host with Kevin, as well as the “Rate My Date Blog”, where I share some of our favourite date ideas, special evenings, and ways to make memories that can easily be replicated with your special someone. You can also find me on Instagram @cindisedd where I post content of my real life, share podcast and blog updates, build community with my audience, listeners, and followers, and also share all of my favourite “Top Six’s”, ranging from love songs, getaway vacations, romantic dinners, and more.
And finally, the most important question, who is Kevin? Well besides saying he is my everything (which he is), he is also my partner of over 40 years. Kevin is the best guy ever; my lover, my friend, the guy I can argue with who will forgive me and move on, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the bread to my butter. Even after all these years, he is the guy who still makes my heart beat faster, my life run smoothly (as he is a lot better at attending to the pesky little “details” that life constantly demands), and helps me thrive in every way. Come and join me and Kevin through my book, my website, and my instagram where we capture the best of us!