Packing for our All-Inclusive Vacation to Mexico!

Ohhh yeah. You heard me right.

Kevin and I are GOING TO THE BEACH!

Is this cheating? I mean, packing for vacation is arguably one of the worst parts of going on vacation. And even if you and your partner don’t hate it, it certainly does not seem to meet the typical “date” criteria. But it’s my blog, my adventure, and my Christmas Date advent challenge. I’m making up all the rules as we go along (in case you haven’t already been able to tell)!

While this may seem as a surprise to you as my readers, Kevin and I booked this long enough ago that it didn’t seem completely spontaneous. We love that “on the whim” energy, but something about having pets makes those crazy last-minute decisions to book flights and run off just a wee bit less practical. Since retiring, we have found that the window of time juuuust before the family Christmas chaos takes place the perfect time to go chase some sunshine. Living in the Pacific Northwest, the shoulder seasons are always grey, cold, and wet. If you are up to date on our blogs, you’ll know Kevin and I have no problem with the grey and cold; it’s the wet we have a problem with. The mountains aren’t quite ready for ski season, and the waiting on weather updates is tedious. Better to run away, catch some good rays and delicious salty air so we can brag of our freshly tanned skin on the slopes.

Oo-oo-oo-oo, I can almost feel it now…

The sun on my face, my toes wiggling in the warm sand, floating in that “oh so salty” warm ocean… And I get Kevin ALL TO MYSELF for 8 days - such a treat for me! And for him I dare say!  We always seem to be busy - not the “full time working and full time family” busy, but still busy.  Something always needs fixing or modifying, the cabin and property needs some attention or the house does.  Or the cars, or the RV’s - too many toys we often say to each other, but we so enjoy them all.  Between the big and small projects on our to-do lists, endless events popping up that require time and attention, and getting sucked into distractions and details coming in from all directions, while Kevin and I might have coffee together in the morning and supper together in the evening, when we are at home our days are not typically spent together.  Ski season is different, but we still find ourselves getting caught up in different things. Neither of us would want that much togetherness anyway (we have to have SOMETHING to talk about), but when we intentionally plan for it, it is like a lucky and happy event.  

I have a theory that unless we physically remove ourselves to a place where we truly have no responsibilities, Kevin and I will never sit still. I love that about us, that we are never bored or dulled by one another. But it sure feels good to get ready for a vacation!

But let’s get back to the important stuff. And by that, I mean our pending vacation!!

As I mentioned, I don’t love the getting-ready process of trips. Kevin would go as far to say as he hates it; the packing, the prepping, the flight check-ins, the “did you remember this hun?” or the “remind me to grab that love"!” sucks out all the fun. Don’t even get me started on the process involving the airport! I swear, Kevin and I don’t achieve our “vacation-mode” until we have a drink in our hand on the plane heading to our destination! Until that point, we are still on go-go-go-mode!

But I can take solace in the fact that once the suitcases come out I know it is just a matter of time before I feel the warm tropical breezes on my face.  I always pack too much, so the solution to that bad habit this time is a much smaller suitcase!  We are only gone for 8 days and surely I can wear something (or somethings) twice???  Again, these are the anxieties that seem like no big deal until well… they become a big deal!

So why Mexico? & All Inclusive?

I mean, where do I start!? For anyone who has not tried an all-inclusive resort… Let me just tell you that it is quite an incredible luxury. I realize that it may not be in everyone’s budget, but if it is within yours, I highly recommend looking into it as an option for your next relaxing vacation. There is no better way in my eyes to relax and unwind than excellent weather, no surprise bills, the drinks and food keep coming, and dare I say the best part is NO DISHES TO WASH. Hear that? NO DISHES, COOKING OR CLEANING. FOR 8 DAYS. That in itself is a Christmas miracle!

Kevin and I both love the water, and it is warm where we are going, so there are many ocean visits to come!  As well, I get to READ!!!  I LOVE reading and don't really get (or make) much of a chance for sustained reading, really getting into a good books and losing myself.  I will look for a beach volleyball game for us to join and we might even go for a dive!  We were at one resort where there was an invitation to go to one of the bars in the afternoon and (we thought) learn how to make tropical drinks.  We thought “oh ya - we’re in!”, but as it turned out, participants were invited to try to put together their own drink concoction using specific ingredients, and everyone tasted and then rated the drinks.  They were terrible (in some cases beyond terrible), but in the true spirit of friendship and support, I gave every drink I tasted a 10/10, which brought many laughs!  And as it turned out, Kevin was their “planted guy” and they gave him, and only him, the secret recipe for the most successful drink using those specific ingredients.  It was loads of fun for sure.  I’ll be on the hunt for something like that again!

So, in terms of an Advent date night, packing may not be the funnest date. But being excited about going on a trip with your favourite person really is. We are considering our upcoming vacation a week-long date that is a huge treat, and is very well timed for an “unplug” opportunity before everything ramps up again for Christmas, the new year, and for ski season. 

Want to see pictures, videos, and more? Please be sure to follow along here as well as tiktok and instagram @cindysedd as we keep posting on our exciting adventure!


On Our Way To Paradise!


Getting Ready for Ski Season!