It’s time for an excellent adventure!!
So, instead of my usual blog content about some great ideas for a date, which are all winners I might say, today I’m going to tell you all about our upcoming planned excellent adventure, which will blow the doors off of any single date or date night idea.
As a preview to our next podcast (uploading April 6th!), Kevin and I talked about the top 10 date night no no’s - things that will deflate and annihilate a date within seconds of doing this or saying that, and Kevin wisely said that there is a difference between a date night and an adventure! Adventures ARE excellent, but often come with the possibility of a surprise outcome or a necessary change in plans. Because during an adventure, we cannot always predict how things will work out!
Date | Adventure | |
Has a restricted or boundaried timeline | May have a significantly longer timeline than just an afternoon, evening or weekend | |
Has a single event or perhaps 2 events that shape the date | Has multiple events that are likely new for you both | |
Usually involves just the two of you | On an adventure, it might be true that you expect to meet a lot of new people and try a lot new things, A LOT | |
Should always, where possible, begin with an intimate act between the two of you | While the adventure might start with some intimacy (good idea!), it has the added element of surprise for both of you - you don't fully know what to expect, which is a bit titillating! | |
Is all about the two of you creating special time for each other, complete with that loving “dating language and conversations” as well as other actions that happen during the date | An adventure is defined as a “daring or exciting activity, especially the exploration of unknown territory”. When’s the last time you went on an adventure? |
What’s the difference between a date and an adventure? Well, keep reading!
So, our countdown to our adventure has started, and we will be chronicling our journey from our home in Beautiful British Columbia, all the way to South Carolina, which, as the crow flies, is about 3800 km! But we are not crows and do not fly, so our kilometers will be much higher than that, we expect. We will be gone for 2 months, seeking out new sights, new friends, beautiful scenery, and a whole lot of other things that we just don’t know about yet! That’s part of the adventure! The kids and their partners have agreed to take care of the homefront and cabin details (which is so awesome), and Kevin and I are packing up our camperized 1986 Chevy get-away van, Ruby the Red (or Alice the Palace - check out the photo!), Lovely the dog, the kayaks, paddleboards and the bikes, and away we go!!!! AND Because it is early April, we will head directly south to the desert and do our best to avoid any more snow or snowstorms!
So, what are we looking for? Well, we don't know, really. Multiple adventures! Sights as yet unseen. Fun! Risk! Uncertainty! We fully expect Murphy’s Law (if anything can go wrong, it will!) to sabotage some plans at some point, but we are as ready as we can be! Our BCAA coverage covers us across continental United States. It even covers us on our bikes!! We have US sim cards. We have a cast iron frying pan and a porta potti. And fairy lights inside the van! And electirc candles for romantic date nights! We are good to get clean in a beautiful river or lake (no soap of course!). We are ready to shower at a public swimming pool and to shop locally. We have a plan for where we will stay as we venture south and east. More about that later!! We want to experience all that this journey has to offer, and we want to take you all with us. Please come along!
And as for romance? Well, we are always looking for the opportunity of course! But, we also know that when we are on adventures, and we get into tense situations, tempers can flair, patience unravels and there is NOTHING romantic about the situation. NOTHING! But we fully expect this. Luckily, Kevin and I are professional husband and wife arguers, and we always come through somehow! In fact, we ususally have a good laugh about th whole thing once we are on the other side! So think about joining us in some capacity! It’s bound to be fun, new and exciting!
And if you have any ideas or “must see’s” or special places you once visited that look like they might be on our way, please let us know. We will thank you, highlight you and celebrate the beauty/fun/interest that we experience. Use the “contact us’ link on our website and join us on this amazing adventure!!!
So, here we go!!!!!!