It’s Frisky Friday, so you might already know!!

Yup, you heard me. Frisky Friday. It’s a thing. I realize that I didn’t trademark the phrase, and I can’t lay any personal claim to it. But just look at the date. December 15th. We have 10 days before Christmas, and a lot of things have to happen between now and then. A lot of things that bring joy, stress, fun, stress, laughter, stress, and more. Did I mention stress? Kevin and I host both sides of our family each Christmas, and for what seems like days straight we have nothing but people, food, and kitchen messes around. My goodness it fills my heart, but today is Friday a week and a half before Christmas. We have to make sure we don’t miss celebrating each other by nurturing our relationship.

Now, Frisk Friday doesn’t mean 24 hours of sex on every surface in the house; maybe there was a time for that long ago, but remember that old people’s sex is different than young love (at least for us!), and that’s ok. It’s still good, can even be fun, and  is just so very good for our overall health.  It can be fast or slow, long or short, in the bedroom or somewhere more riske, but we have to be sure that we don't lose that part of our lives together.  So for this advent event, if it's been a while, start slowly.  Plan one of these date nights where you are unlikely to be disturbed.  

I actually spend a lot of time in my book, “Six Minute Sex: Maintaining Passion and Nurturing Intimacy in Long Term Relationships” (click the title to check it out) elaborating on this “Frisky Friday” business. For those of you who have read it, you might remember that I used to recognize and call out, so to speak, Fridays as “Frisky Fridays” as a reminder to Kevin and I that we are in fact in a long term monogamous relationship that SHOULD include some physical intimacy at some point.  And calling Fridays “Frisky Friday” was a weekly reminder that we indeed have a physical relationship that we need to tend to.  

It is so important to take advantage of that warm loving person who sleeps next to you.

Sit on the couch and hold hands.

Walk and hold handset our knees touch when you sit next to each other.

Write a love note to your partner and leave it when s/he will find it.

Surprise the other with a cup of coffee or tea when they are working on a project by themselves.

Say something kind and loving.

Remember that you two found each other and stuck together for a long long time.  Intimacy does not have to mean sex, but intimacy is defined as a closeness, a trust and a desire to be in each other’s life.  Christmas Date Advent is an opportunity to spend time together making new memories and talking about old memories.  Enjoy!


Making New Traditions Together


Goodbye Mexico!