A Beautiful Christmas Walk Together

DAY ONE of our Christmas Advent together! Let’s set the tone right!

…then home for a hot tub because WOW was it cold outside tonight!

So this evening we decided to take advantage of some of the professionally done Christmas light shows that are around our community.  We bundled up, dressed Lovely the Dog up in one of her Christmas outfits, and made our way down the road a ways to an incredible FREE display of Christmas lights set up in a park nearby. And because it gets dark so early, this was something we did prior to dinner.

The show took us around a lake and it was truly beautiful, and because we are early in the season, it kind of warmed us up into the Christmas spirit.  Lights and trees were twinkling and sparkling, and everyone we passed was in a great mood, with smiles, salutations and season’s greetings being shared all around.  What a special thing to do.  We linked our arms together sometimes and walked hand in hand sometimes, just like we were lovers on a date!!  So delightful!

We decided to do this early in the season for a few very specific reasons:

First - we wanted to avoid the big crowds that typically arrive as we get deeper and deeper into the season

Second - at the beginning of the season we are just not as busy as we get the closer we come to Christmas

Third - The weather was definitely a factor here - even though it is quite cold, the skies are clear and there is no rain or fog of dampness at all.  

Finally - in order to set this series off on the right foot, we wanted a “true to season” experience to get us in the mood, so to speak.

So this is an activity that we highly recommend you do as a couple.  For a change, forget the kids! Indulge in each other.  Call it a date!  Don’t talk about lists or deadlines.  Reminisce.  Look into each others’ eyes.  Notice how the lights dance.  

This date doesn’t have to take a long time, but it really made a difference for Kevin and me, and makes us excited about all of the other Advent dates we have planned.  We are off to a great start!


Double Date for the First Carol Ship Run!


Here Comes Christmas!!! Let the Countdown Begin!